
Invited Talks and Workshops

  1. 12/14/2019. 心理学:历史、现状与未来(连续三场). 西南大学附属中学. 重庆市.
  2. 12/10/2019. Matlab结合Psychtoolbox在心理学实验中的应用(全天工作坊). 陆军军医大学, 重庆市.
  3. 11/29/2019. 决策的脑机制及其培养. 培养脑科学与教育创新论坛. 山东省济南市.
  4. 11/23/2019. 脑科学和人工智能时代的决策能力培养. 人工智能与学习科学. 广东省深圳市.
  5. 11/15/2019. 决策的脑机制. 广西师范大学教育学部. 广西桂林.
  6. 11/8/2019. Hemispheric mPFC Asymmetry in Decision Making under Ambiguity and Risk: an fNIRS Study. 第六届全国近红外光谱脑功能成像学术会议. 北京师范大学, 北京.
  7. 10/20/2019. 网络游戏使用所带来的大脑结构改变. 中国心理学会第22届全国心理学学术会议. 杭州师范大学, 浙江杭州.
  8. 09/30/2019. 可卡因成瘾者长期戒断过程所伴随的脑结构和功能改变. 2019脑科学与成瘾研讨会. 内蒙古科技大学, 内蒙古包头市.
  9. 09/21/2019. The neural basis of decision making in normal participants and participants with addiction. The 1st Annual University of Macau Workshop in Cognitive and Brain Sciences 2019. University of Macau, Macau, China.
  10. 06/18/2019. Structural Brain Changes Associated with Extensive Video Gaming. The 6th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions. Yokohama, Japan.
  11. 05/19/2019. 决策神经科学研究:经济心理学与脑科学的碰撞. 中国心理学会经济心理学专业委员会(筹)第一届学术年会. 中央财经大学, 北京.
  12. 04/26/2019. The effect of tDCS over the prefrontal cortex on decision making. 第二届“认知与脑调控”主题学术研讨会, 上海交通大学, 上海.
  13. 12/15/2018. 适应性决策的脑结构基础. 浙江大学学科会聚系列论坛之“双脑计划”——“双脑与决策”专题论坛, 浙江杭州.
  14. 12/2/2018. 注意力的脑机制及其培养. 国培计划——广西壮族自治区桂林市心理教师培训, 广西桂林.
  15. 9/27/2018. 脑科学与教育变革. 国培计划——云南省昆明市盘龙区专家型培养工程, 云南昆明.
  16. 9/15/2018. Dyad Sex Composition Effects on Inter-Brain Synchronization in Face-to-Face Cooperation. 第三届脑际认知研讨会. 上海, 华东师范大学.
  17. 7/27/2018. 心理学入门. 深圳海鲸教育基金会海鲸学术夏令营. 湖北武汉, 华中科技大学.
  18. 7/8/2018. 注意力的脑机制及其培养. 大城市教科院联盟全国第一次学术年会暨脑科学与教育论坛. 山东青岛.
  19. 6/25/2018. 语文核心素养培养及干预. 2018年里水镇基于脑科学的教育教学质量提升研修培训. 中国广东省佛山市南海区里水镇.
  20. 06/15/2018. 注意力发展与学习, 脑与儿童发展:儿童发展核心特征解读研讨会, 重庆.
  21. 06/15/2018. 注意力障碍诊断与干预(工作坊), 脑与儿童发展:儿童发展核心特征解读研讨会, 重庆.
  22. 06/02/2018. 决策的个体差异:来自基因-脑-行为的证据, 首届经济心理学论坛, 中央财经大学, 北京.
  23. 1/19/2018. 儿童高级认知能力与脑发育队列研究, 儿童青少年脑智研究全国研讨会(第三次), 北京师范大学, 北京.
  24. 12/10/2017. How can social media use and abuse affect your brain? Invited talk for 2nd Workshop on the Digitization of the Individual (DOTI), pre-ICIS 2017 Workshop, the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2017), Seoul, South Korea.
  25. 11/10/2017. The Neural Basis of Daily Decision Making and Its Application. School of Sociology and Psychology, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing.
  26. 11/10/2017. 日常决策的神经基础及应用价值. 中央财经大学社会与心理学院, 北京.
  27. 12/17/2016. Brain Training and Its Application in Education. The 29th Annual Academic Conference, Chinese Society of Education, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.
  28. 12/17/2016. 大脑训练及其在教育中的应用. 中国教育学会第29次学术年会, 四川省成都市.
  29. 11/29/2016. Reading Development, Disorder, and Neural Basis. 2016 Lishui Brain Based Education Training, Lishui, Nanhai, Fosha, Guangdong, China.
  30. 11/29/2016. 阅读发展、障碍及其神经基础. 2016年里水镇基于脑科学的教育教学质量提升研修培训. 中国广东省佛山市南海区里水镇.
  31. 09/22/2016. Brain structural and functional changes associated with recovery from cocaine addiction. The 13th Chinese Physiological Psychology Conference, Southwest University, Chongqing, China.
  32. 02/22/2016. Brain structural and functional changes associated with Addiction. The 2nd Sino-German-Symposium (Translational studies on addictive disorders: from basic research to the clinic), Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
  33. 06/24/2015. Twenty Years of the Iowa Gambling Task: The Neural Basis of Risky Decision Making. At Seminar on Health Psychology and Neuro-management, School of Management, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing, China. “健康心理与神经管理学”研讨会, 北京中医药大学管理学院, 北京.
  34. 03/23/2015. Introduction to FSL (One-day Workshop). At Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
  35. 03/26/2015. Brain Changes Associated with Addiction and Recovery. At Department of Special Education and Counselling, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
  36. 01/21/2015. Brain Structural and Functional Changes Associated with Addiction and Recovery. At Center for Advancing Longitudinal Drug Abuse Research (CALDAR), UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
  37. 07/23/2014. Serotonin Transporter Gene (5-HTTLPR) Modulates the Neural Activation of Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex in Loss Aversion, the 2nd International Symposium on Decision Making and Brain Research, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
  38. 09/11/2013. Genetic and Neural Basis of Risky Decision Making. (In Chinese) At Department of Radiology, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China.


  1. An introduction to fMRI (Graduate Level). Apr 29th 2013. In Decision Neuroscience (PSYC551, Instructor: Antoine Bechara). Department of Psychology, University of Southern California.
  2. An introduction to fMRI (Graduate Level). Apr 30th 2014. In Decision Neuroscience (PSYC551, Instructor: Antoine Bechara). Department of Psychology, University of Southern California.
  3. Cognitive Psychology (Bilingual Course) (Undergraduate Level). Fall, 2014. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  4. Research Methods in Psychology (in English) (Graduate Level). Spring, 2015. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  5. Cognitive Psychology (Bilingual Course) (Undergraduate Level). Fall, 2015. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  6. Advanced Mentor Course: Pathways to Psychological Research (Undergraduate Level). Fall, 2015. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  7. Cognitive Psychology (Bilingual Course) (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2016. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  8. Psychology II (Bilingual Course) (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2016. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  9. Cognitive Psychology (Minor Course) (Undergraduate Level). Summer, 2016. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  10. Cognitive Neuroscience (Undergraduate Level). Fall, 2016. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  11. Research Methods in Psychology (in English) (Graduate Level). Fall, 2016. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  12. Cognitive Psychology (Minor Course) (Undergraduate Level). Fall, 2016. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  13. Cognitive Psychology (Bilingual Course) (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2017. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  14. Decision Neuroscience (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2017. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  15. Psychology I (Bilingual Course) (Undergraduate Level). Fall, 2017. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  16. Cognitive Psychology (Bilingual Course) (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2018. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  17. Advanced Social Psychology (English Course) (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2018. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  18. Research Methods in Psychology (in English) (Graduate Level). Spring, 2018. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  19. Perception (English Course) (Undergraduate Level). Fall, 2018. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  20. Cognitive Psychology (Bilingual Course) (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2019. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  21. Cognitive Psychology (Minor Course) (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2019. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  22. Research Methods in Psychology (in English) (Graduate Level). Fall, 2019. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  23. Cognitive Psychology (Minor Course) (Undergraduate Level). Fall, 2019. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  24. Cognitive Psychology (Bilingual Course) (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2020. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.
  25. Cognitive Psychology (Minor Course) (Undergraduate Level). Spring, 2020. Faculty of Psychology, Southwest University.